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Only the features you need Fiddo helps you focus on what matters the most: collect feedback and create product users really love.
Too much features Canny many features make it difficult getting started and figuring out which ones you want to turn on.
Highly customizable Fiddo lets you customize the design to fit any board to your brand. Logo, fonts, colors, and more.
Single UI Canny has a standard look that may not fit your brand. Making your board look like any other.
Affordable pricing With Fiddo, 99% of features are available for free. Combine to an empowering Pro plan from $7 per month.
Built for the enterprise Canny’s limited free plan pushes you to upgrade quickly. And they charge +$350/mo when you do.
(as of October 2024)
Fiddo Pro
$9 / month
Fiddo Pro - Lifetime
$79 once
$79 / month
$359 / month
It’s as simple as one-two-three, and guess what? You don’t even need an account to try it out!